全程指导: 职业目标


全程指导: 职业目标

难度: 起步

看完了Career Goal“三不要”,我们再来看看什么是“三要”

Career Goal三要:

·      写出短期计划和长期计划

·      根据项目培养目的对症下药

·      有梦想,有独到见解,有感染力


1. 短期计划和长期计划




Her encouragement strengthens my short term plan of working outside China. After honing my financial mathematics skills in Stanford, I aim to focus on quantitative research in the US or Hong Kong, specializing on equity trading in Asian emerging markets. Meanwhile, I will learn quantitative portfolio management and risk control technologies.


After working for several years, I will go to Hong Kong and be an equity fund manager trading in China Market.




2. 根据项目培养目的对症下药






Everyone has his or her desired career. To me, it is defined as a career that allows someone to share what he or she knows to benefit more people, also to feel happy and fulfilled by doing so. That career for me is to be a bilingual teacher for the New York City schools.


这里作者先抛出一个大的career goal,为人类社会做贡献。 然后再在此基础上具体讲自己的更加可操作的career goal,be a bilingual teacher for the New York City schools。因为这里作者申请的是纽约大学,所以在写职业目标时特别强调了自己想去New York City schools,这种细致的职业目标的写法会让招生委员会觉得你与他们的Program非常匹配。


3. 有梦想,有感染力,有独到见解




我们来看看这位申请Fine Arts, Photography的同学是怎么传递这种梦想和感染力的:


Throughout my artistic pursuit, I have set a clear goal for the next stage of my career: to use artistic expression to package and brand my own ideas. I will aim to tell stories to intellectually sophisticated adults, by drawing on my own experience in my pursuit of great photography. I wish to approach it through symbolic expressions of the stories; that is, to leave out space for the viewers to think and feel. “A picture is worth a thousand words,” and it is especially true when people see photographs – they believe in the picture instantly and do not consciously realize that it is a story they see.

这里作者没有死板地说自己想成为一名Photographer, 而是这样写:I have set a clear goal for the next stage of my career: to use artistic expression to package and brand my own ideas. I will aim to tell stories to intellectually sophisticated adults, by drawing on my own experience in my pursuit of great photography. 这种以梦想口吻表达出来的Career Goal,能让读者感觉到你对这个领域的passion,很有感染力。

大家使用这种写法时,要注意把“梦想”写成是切实可行的,并且通过graduate school的学习可以帮助你实现这个梦想。这一段作者就给出了具体的实现方法:I wish to approach it through ….整个段落给人感觉不仅写明了自己的career goal,而且有很多专业上的独到见解,让人看到了一个真正对该领域有强大热情的人。


关于专业上的独到见解,还有一种比较好操作的写法,就是分析当前社会大背景,将自己的Career Goal与社会大背景相结合。比如下面这段节选自一位申请金融数学的同学的PS:


With my practical experience in the financial market, I ascertained that China will become a goldmine of quantitative traders in the next decade. Because, unlike the US, China’s stock market is full of inefficiencies and discrepancies in prices, which financial engineers constantly search for. Furthermore, better financial instruments and laxer regulations in the future will provide precious opportunities for quant funds in China.


这里作者就是通过分析当前中国金融市场的大背景,来写自己为什么想成为一名quantitative trader. 很有说服力。


Career Goal其实是一个很好地可以展现大家专业上独到见解的地方,大家在写职业目标时,可以多穿插一些对自己专业的独到见解,是一个很好地可以impress到录取官的点。


那么到这里我们关于写Career Goal的“三要,三不要”就都讲完了,希望大家在写职业目标时,按照这“三要,三不要”去仔细斟酌。下一节课我们来讲讲,如何确定自己的职业发展目标。

Coming soon!