全程指导: 审题


全程指导: 审题

难度: 起步









不同学校一般给出的prompt会不一样,文书写作也应当是根据每一所不同学校分别写出不同的文章。美国研究生院的网站一般会给出明确的作文题目及写作要求。题目往往几句话,但言小而义大。就如同美国录取官所言“We ask the questions for a reason.(每个问题都有目的。)” 熟读几遍,充分领略其字面和背后的精髓,然后动笔写作,才能保证充分回答录取官问题,展示了录取官想了解的信息。




审题 —— 申请的第一步!


“However you approach these points, it's imperative that you answer the questions asked in the essay prompt. Being substantive and direct is much better than being creative or flashy.” (Princeton Review)


申请文书,包括目的陈述 (The statement of purpose or Objectives for Graduate Study),个人陈述(Personal Statement),介绍信 (Cover Letter),小短文(short essay),等等。

问题类型可根据申请项目和专业的不同而不同。“社会科学方向的申请者写的自传式的文章,可能会和经济专业的申请者写作的个人陈述完全不同。即使同一个学生,写给法学院的文书和他申请化学博士的文章也会风格迥异。” (Donald Asher, 2012)所以,第一步, 也是最重要的一步就是,审题!排除先念,静心读题,至少三遍,高亮重要信息,然后根据问题列出提纲。




计算机科学 Computer Science: 11%    




Cornell University Personal Statement


Each applicant must submit a personal statement. The personal statement is your opportunity to help reviewers better understand your academic objectives and determine if you are a good match for the field to which you are applying.

Length and Format:

The statement should be a one or two page. Include your full name and the proposed field of study at the top of each page. Please use a standard font and font size for ease of reading.


The personal statement should include your reasons for undertaking graduate work and an explanation of your academic interests, including their relation to your undergraduate study and professional goals.

Some fields ask that you address particular questions in your personal statement. Please check with your field for field requirements.





Cornell University Personal Statements 


Each applicant must submit a personal statement. The personal statement is your opportunity to help reviewers better understand your academic objectives and determine if you are a good match for the field to which you are applying. (这里录取官已经告诉你他们期望在文书中看到什么,等于暗示了录取的关键标准:学术兴趣,你和field的匹配度。那么在文章中最好开篇就明确表示自己的专业兴趣,并依次说明自己之前的背景,职业经历,个性特征,未来目标,等,是如何和康奈尔大学计算机学院相匹配的。

Why you a good match for the field: why computer science, why graduate program, why Cornell.



Length and Format:

The statement should be a one or two page.(如果是一到两页,这里咨询师建议大家写满两页。个人陈述是向录取官介绍自己,赢得学校选票的宝贵机会,一定要紧紧抓住,好好把握,文书要字字珠玑,点中要害,没有废话,论述充分。) Include your full name and the proposed field of study at the top of each page. (这个属于特别要求,如果要申请康大计算机系,务必遵守。细节决定成败,细节也能看出来你对康大是否真的看重,真的感兴趣。千万不要成为一叠申请材料中那只“The Only Black sheep”)Please use a standard font and font size for ease of reading. (划入Final  checking list, 提交前务必检查)



The personal statement should include your (是“你”的原因,要具体可信!)reasons for undertaking graduate work and (这里是并且而不是“或”哦!) an explanation of your academic interests, including their relation to your undergraduate study and professional goals. (录取官要的不是泛泛的本科学术经历回顾或是未来职业规划,而是和专业兴趣紧密结合的。这个“relation”便是文章的逻辑所在。换言之,就是要解释当下的专业兴趣如何由本科的学术经历发生并发展而来。并且,基于现在的专业兴趣,未来有什么样的职业目标和规划。三者哪个先说都没关系,但是三者一定都要充分论述。)

Some fields ask that you address particular questions in your personal statement. Please check with your field for field requirements. (这个PS prompt是最基本要求,各个学院可能有具体要求,所以自己专业学院的招生网站也一定要去看。)


基于以上分析,我们一起利用一下表格,把信息做个梳理 。

申请学校:                        申请专业:                  目标学位:         计划入读时间:








字数要求:                      页数要求:
















申请学校:Cornell University   申请专业:Computer Science

目标学位:Master Degree         计划入读时间:2015 Fall


Each applicant must submit a personal statement. The personal statement is your opportunity to help reviewers better understand your academic objectives and determine if you are a good match for the field to which you are applying.

Length and Format:

The statement should be a one or two page. Include your full name and the proposed field of study at the top of each page. Please use a standard font and font size for ease of reading.


The personal statement should include your reasons for undertaking graduate work and an explanation of your academic interests, including their relation to your undergraduate study and professional goals.

Some fields ask that you address particular questions in your personal statement. Please check with your field for field requirements.


字数要求:                      页数要求:1-2 page


Include your full name and the proposed field of study at the top of each page. Please use a standard font and font size for ease of reading.




Your reasons for undertaking graduate work

An explanation of your academic interests,

      Their relation to your undergraduate study


      Professional goals built on academic interest.



Why School





Maybe 你对这个行业的看法,人类计算机科技发展的未来方向,将来你的职业需要的素养;或者你自己和计算机科学的个性化故事渊源,等等







1.     Introduction: 2 or 3 sentences as a hook, your academic interest, purpose of application,Academic Interest

2.     What are your reasons for undertaking graduate work?

Reason A

Reason B

Reason C

(You can list all your reasons no matter big or small here in the first draft.)

3.     What undergraduate study is related to your academic interest, and how is it related?





(In the first draft, you can list all your relevant experiences/inspirations/people during your undergraduate study no matter big or small.)

List relevant professional experiences if you have.

4.     Professional goals that are related to the academic interests

5.     Why Cornell and why you will be an asset to Cornell?

Other necessary explanations.



1.     开头,两三句话讲述个人最鲜明特点,提出目标学校,项目,和研究方向。

2.     为什么读研究生学计算机?





3.     本科阶段有哪些经历和研究方向相关?







4.     职业发展目标如何和研究兴趣相关?

5.     为什么选择康奈尔计算机系?你对学校学院可以有什么贡献?


相信大家提纲列得不错,看了例子也有新的收获。这里大家可能没有加入提纲的是开头和why program,不过不用担心,下面我们会专门讨论开头和why school如何写。好,我们下面来看看其他例子。



University of Illinois at Urban Champaign: UIUC



  • This statement should include your goals and background as it relates to the field of computer science. It is good to include any past work history, your interests, and reasons for pursuing a graduate degree in computer science.
  • Your statement will be evaluated for your conciseness, scientific research interests, leadership skills, and eloquence.
  • Generally the statement of purpose is between one to two pages.


申请学校:                        申请专业:                  目标学位:         计划入读时间:



字数要求:                      页数要求:










University of Illinois at Urban Champaign: UIUC

  • This statement should include your goals and background as it relates to the field of computer science. It is good to include any past work history, your interests, and reasons for pursuing a graduate degree in computer science.
  • Your statement will be evaluated for your conciseness, scientific research interests, leadership skills, and eloquence.
  • Generally the statement of purpose is between one to two pages.







Conciseness, scientific Research Interest, Leadership Skills, eloquence. 简洁,科学研究兴趣,领导才能,语言表达。


Goals and background as it relates to the filed of computer science.



Past work history;

Your interest;

Reasons for pursuing a graduate degree in computer science.





吸引人的开头,为什么选择UIUC, 自己可以给UIUC做的贡献,如果自身的软硬件条件有哪些明显不足,这里要抓住机会说明,比如,GPA, G/T成绩,核心课程不及格,等等。












Academic interests:

Reasons: why pursuing a graduate degree in computer science.

Background related to computer science:

·      Working history and experience,

·      Researching experience,

·      Leadership experience,


Why UIUC CS program:

Your contribution

(Explanation of discrepancies)

















Education    Columbia University,  U Penn

Columbia University - Teacher College Prompt:

The Statement of Purpose should be 2-3 pages in length,  double-spaced.  It should describe your academic and professional background, plans for graduate school, your professional goals, and how and why you are a good fit for the program.  It should be tailored to Teachers College and our specific program of interest.


申请学校:                        申请专业:                  目标学位:         计划入读时间:








字数要求:                      页数要求:
















Introduction: 2-3 sentences who I am; Application Purpose;

Academic Background:

Professional Background:

Plans for graduate school:

Professional Goals:

How and why you are a good fit for the program;

Why TC and specific program;


University of Pennsylvania – Graduate School of Education


All applicants to degree and certification programs are required to write a statement of purpose, which should be no more than 750 words (no more than 1000 words for Penn CLO). It should address the factors that have encouraged you to seek an education from Penn GSE. You may also wish to describe your background, significant personal and professional experiences related to your program of study, important aspects of your academic record, and your professional goals upon completion of your desired program.










Economics 9%

University of California San Diego

Statement of Purpose

Focus your Statement of Purpose on the reasons you are interested in attending a specific graduate program at UCSD. Check the department requirements for the Statement of Purpose. The statement should be well organized, concise, and completely free of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Before submitting the statement, seek constructive comments and criticism from friends and advisors.
Five primary topics to cover in your statement of purpose:

1.     How did you become interested in this field? Establish that you have had a long-term interest in the field and that you have taken positive steps in pursuing your interest. Give the committee members a sense of your particular talents and abilities and their relevance to your academic interests.

2.     What experiences have contributed toward your preparation for further study in this field? Demonstrate your interest by providing examples of research experiences, internships, work experience, community service, publications, or life experiences. Briefly describe what you did in each experience. Also, make sure to articulate what you have learned about the field and how those lessons stimulated you to pursue an advanced degree.

3.     What are your future goals? Specifically state your degree objective (Master's or Ph.D.) and specify what subdisciplines you are interested in pursuing. For example, if you are applying in political science, the committee needs to know whether you are pursuing American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, or Political Theory. Let the reader know that you are planning a future career as a university professor, researcher, or consultant, or in public service or private practice (or whatever your goal happens to be).

4.     What are your research interests? Within your subdiscipline, you should be able to identify one or two topics that are of interest to you. When possible, be specific about your research agenda. Remember that you will be working with professors in research; therefore, your research interests should parallel those of the faculty. (You will usually not be expected to know exactly what you want to research; faculty know that initial interests often change.)

5.     How are you a "match" for the program to which you are applying? Explain what attracts you most to the institution/program to which you are applying. Align your research interests with those of one or more of the affiliated professors. The better the "match" with the program/professors, the better the chance that you will be admitted.

Other factors to weave in (remember these are secondary factors):

·       Give examples of personal attributes or qualities that would help you complete graduate study successfully.

·       Describe your determination to achieve your goals, your initiative and ability to develop ideas, and your ability to work independently.

·       Describe background characteristics that may have placed you at an educational disadvantage (English language learner, family economic history, lack of educational opportunity, disability, etc.).

·       Leave the reader believing that you are prepared for advanced academic work and will be successful in graduate school.

(Source: http://ogs.ucsd.edu/prospective-students/graduate-admissions/admissions-procedures/what-you-need-to-apply/statement-of-purpose.html)


EE    UC Berkeley M Eng:


Writing the Statement of Purpose


Dr. Gloria Chun

Things to Keep in Mind

• What they read between the lines: motivation, competence, potential as a graduate student.

• Emphasize everything from a positive perspective and write in an active, not passive, voice.

• Demonstrate everything by example; don’t say directly, for example, that you’re a persistent person—you must demonstrate it.

• You don’t want to make excuses, but you have talk about the mistakes you’ve made as a learning experience.

• If there is something important that happened (poverty, illness, excessive work, etc.) which affected your grades, go ahead and state it, but write affirmatively, that is, in a way that shows your perseverance.

• Make sure everything is linked with continuity and focus.

• 500-600 words, 1 to 1.5 pages single spaced, typed.


Writing the Statement of Purpose


Part 1: Introduction

 • This is where you tell them what you want to study. For example, I wish to pursue a MS degree in Mechanical Engineering with an emphasis in controls.


Part 2: Summarize what you did as an undergraduate

• Research what did during your undergrad career? Describe your best project(s), indicating with whom, the title of the project, what your responsibilities were and the outcome. Write technically, professors are the people who read these statements.

• Important class or classes you took which stimulated your desire for graduate study, or a specific project for a class.

• Work experience, especially if you had any kind of responsibility for testing, designing, or researching a product or apparatus.


Part 2: If you graduated and worked for a while and are returning to grad school, indicate what you’ve been doing while working.

 • You can discuss your company, work/design team, responsibilities, what you learned, etc. You can also indicate here how this helped you focus on your graduate studies.



Part 4: Here you indicate what you want to study in graduate school in greater detail. 

• This is a greater elaboration of your opening paragraph.

• Indicate area of interest, then state questions you might have which are associated with the topic, i.e., what you might be interested in studying. You should have an area of emphasis selected before you write the statement.

• Call the department or look on the web for information about the professors and their research. Are there professors whose interests match yours? If so, indicate this, as it shows a sign that you have done your homework and are highly motivated. (Be sincere, however, don’t make up something bogus just to impress people.) 


Part 5: Conclusion 

• End your statement in a positive and confident manner with a readiness for the challenges of graduate study.


(Source: http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Gradadm/WritingStatementofPurpose.pdf)



Mechanical Engineer   Purdue University, Stanford, UCLA

Purdue University – The Graduate School of Engineering


The statement of purpose should be 300-500 words concerning your purpose for undertaking or continuing graduate study, your reasons for wanting to study at Purdue, and your research interests, professional plans, and career goals. You also may explain any special circumstances applicable to your background and elaborate on your scholarly publications, awards, achievements, abilities, and/or professional history.


·      Introduction

·      Why graduate school?

·      Why Purdue?

·      Research Interest

·      Professional Plan

·      Career Goals

·      Other Special things: circumstances, applicable to your background and elaborate on your scholarly publications, awards, achievements, abilities, and/or professional history




JHU  Bloomberg School of Public Health:


Please use the following advice as a guide to preparing your statement:

1.     Please include your name at the top of each page.

2.     Address your interest in the public health field in which you are interested as well as the type of degree program to which you are applying. Because our School offers six types of master’s degrees, three types of doctoral degrees, fellowships, and certificates, you should explain why you think the specific degree or training program you have selected will advance your professional goals.

3.     Discuss your professional background, including your current position and/or research area, in as much detail as necessary to convey how your work relates to your academic goals in our School. Address, if appropriate, the evolution of your professional interest in public health.

4.     Explain how study in the program you have selected will prepare you to make positive, constructive contributions to your chosen area of work.

5.     If you are currently pursuing, or have pursued, research, describe the scholarly work in which you are engaged or have been engaged. Be sure to describe your research in detail, including the research question, results, and the specific role you are playing or played in conducting the research. Your personal statement should not simply list what is already provided on your resume.

Your personal statement must be your own original work. Furnishing false or incomplete information, including plagiarism for any part on your personal statement, or in any related application materials, will result in an automatic withdrawal of your application.

There are no formal word-count or page limitations; however, we recommend that you limit your personal statement to three pages or less.



Georgetown University: MPP program admission essay


Maximum length 500 words. Your essay should focus on:

·   the reasons you want to pursue a MPP and how that relates to your career goals.

·   the reasons you want to pursue your degree at MSPP and how that relates to your career goals.

Optional Statement

The Admissions Committee allows you to supply additional relevant information you wish to include in support of your application. In this essay, you would explain any unusual circumstances, such as a period of poor academic performance, academic sanctions, a substantial discrepancy between your performance on standardized tests and your actual level of academic achievement, prior public policy degree conferral, etc., if applicable. Please upload the optional essay in the Writing Sample 1 section of the online application. The majority of applicants do not submit an Optional Statement. Submitting an Optional Statement is not required.


Maximum length 500 words. The essay should explain what unique abilities you would bring to the MPM Program and how obtaining this degree will contribute to the attainment of your personal and professional goals. In addition, the statement should specify why you want to pursue your degree at MSPP and how that relates to your career


Optional statement - The Admissions Committee allows you to supply additional relevant information you wish to include in support of your application. In this essay, you would explain any unusual circumstances, such as a period of poor academic performance, academic sanctions, a substantial discrepancy between your performance on standardized tests and your actual level of academic achievement, prior public policy degree conferral, etc., if applicable. Please upload theoptional essay in the Writing Sample 1 section of the online application. The majority of applicants do not submit an Optional Statement. Submitting an Optional Statementis not required.


1. 开头



2. 学术背景:







3. 相关的课外活动,实习,工作经历



4. 未来的职业或学术规划

       清晰的,短期和长期的具体的计划 (如果暂时没有也没有关系,但是未来的具体的计划会     让人感觉你已经有奋斗目标,更能说服别人你的申请是经过成熟和理性的思考,遇到困难你也更能克服并坚持下去。)


5. 为什么申请研究生院,这个学校,项目,专业。


     (这个部分非常重要,写得深入与否展示了你对学校是否真的感兴趣,是否有强烈的意愿在录取后接受offer, 你的 “demonstration of interest” 也是学校决定发offer的重要考量。而你的“就读诚意”是必须做调查研究才能写得恳切动人的。每一个学校和项目都有其特点和专长,比如: 想读计算机和电子工程方向的同学,如果选择斯坦福,伯克利或者加州其他硅谷学校就一定要提到地理位置优势和就业环境良好,读金融申请哥大和NYU的同学也一定要提到大纽约和华尔街,如果这些很明显的优势都没有提到,那会令录取官怀疑你的诚意。至于,知名教授,项目理念,培养目标,学术环境,研究方向,校友资源,这些信息你都可以通过学校网站,询问校友,看各大学校点评,BBS,给小米教授发邮件等多种途径得到。学术职业以及未来规划部分可以完全一致,但是WHY SCHOOL部分是需要每一个学校都重新做研究,切忌泛泛而谈,空洞无物。要选择一个你接下来学习生活两年甚至更长的地方和环境,这些小小的时间投资是完全值得的。)





•专业兴趣和热情: 你的学术兴趣是什么?如何发生和发展的?





•对成绩缺陷的正面解释(可选)如果主课成绩或者Overall GPA 有缺陷需要给予诚恳可信正面的解释。













Coming soon!